
G.A.C. Group

GAC Group is an international innovation consultancy firm specialised in innovation performance support. It was established in 2002 and employs 200+ specialists, mostly with PhD or MSc, spread across Europe, South America, Canada and Southeast Asia. The headquarters of the company are based near Paris, in Issy les Moulineaux, France; with offices in several cities of France, as well as in Romania, Singapore, Canada, Brazil, Morocco and in Germany. The company has 6 departments: innovation, internationalisation, networks and platforms, economic studies (including innovation strategies, territorial innovation development, evaluation and impact assessment etc), financial performance, & human resource performance. Thus, GAC specialists provides 360° support to innovation and cover the whole expansion value chain

GAC is specialised in supporting inter-regional and international collaboration for innovation (500+ projects implemented since 1986): cluster and SMEs internationalisation support, university‐industry cooperation, business incubator management, supporting start-ups and other innovative companies, impact maximisation, stakeholder engagement, as well as inter-regional connections and mutual learning activities.



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