
Oceanography Malta Research Group, University of Malta

The Oceanography Malta Research Group (OMRG) within the Department of Geosciences of the Faculty of Science at the University of Malta, aims to promote the field of oceanography through its applied research and teaching activities, making it the quintessential oceanography research group in the Maltese Islands.

The OMRG in fact integrates multifarious expertise through the background of its academic staff, such that it can address a diverse array of sub-disciplines linked with the field of oceanography. These sub-disciplines include physical oceanography, biological and chemical oceanography, geological oceanography and marine meteorology.

The Group’s collaborative portfolio is extensive, given that the research group represents the University of Malta within a substantial number of externally-funded projects within the ambit of numerous EU and national funding programmes, including the Interreg MED, Interreg Italia-Malta 2014-2020, JPI Oceans, Erasmus+ and MCST Space Fund ones, even coordinating a number of the same projects, including CORALLO and CALYPSO. As a result, the research group delivers a substantial research output each year in the form of peer-reviewed publications and manages to expose the numerous post-graduate research students (PhD, MSc) it supervises to the deliverables of the same projects.


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