
Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua

Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua, SA (BCASA) is a municipal public company created in 2014 that forms part of Barcelona City Council’s Area for Urban Services and Maintenance of Public Space.  Its mission is to manage Barcelona’s water cycle, including the city’s beaches and coastline, as well as the provision of other services relating to the urban environment, while favouring those processes that contribute to more efficient use of water resources, improve water quality and minimise the impact on natural systems. With a vocation for public service, the main touchstones for its operations are the principles of sustainability, and it is geared towards the saving and responsible use of the city’s water. It is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG 6, ‘to guarantee the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’, forms part of BCASA’s management model, and it is the most relevant goal in regard to its activity.

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