
LUTRA, Inštitut za ohranjanje naravne dediščine (LUTRA, Institute for Conservation of Natural Heritage)

The Lutra Institute focuses specifically on the conservation of water, aquatic and riparian ecosystems, and key species linked to inland waters. Between 2004 and 2009 we successfully implemented the LIFE AQUALUTRA project, which focused on the protection of the otter and its habitats, and between 2011 and 2014, the LIFE Aquaviva project, the purpose of which was to promote the biodiversity of inland water ecosystems. The project was selected by the European Commission as one of the best LIFE projects in 2015.

Between 2017 and 2022, as one of the project partners, we successfully implemented the LIFE Naturaviva project (Biodiversity - Art of Life), which was dedicated to the promotion and preservation of biodiversity. Since 2020, we have also been the leading partner of the international project LIFE Beaver: Life with beavers, wetlands and climate change, which aims to raise awareness among people about the importance of beavers and the preservation of their living environment, especially in terms of mitigating climate change (floods and droughts) and reducing conflicts between beavers and humans. The Lutra Institute participated in 22 projects as a partner or applicant, all of which are related to water environments in one way or another.

We are also actively involved in the spatial planning procedures (with the aim of protecting nature). We participate in the preparation of environmental impact assessments for municipal spatial plans. Since 2019, we have been involved in more than 30 different procedures for the adoption of legislation, programs, guidelines, management plans, strategies, spatial plannings, building procedures, constitutional reviews and other initiatives.



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