
Value for Health Colab

Value for Health CoLAB (VOH.CoLAB) is a non-profit whose mission is to help people and organizations to measure the value of their health. Founder partners (Nova University of Lisbon, Fraunhofer Portugal, Vodafone Portugal, and CUF) created this VOH.CoLAB to accelerate the fundamental restructuring of Healthcare delivery towards a paradigm shift to Value-Based Healthcare and patient empowerment. Driven by transdisciplinarity and digital transformation, the VOH.CoLAB works with healthcare stakeholders in modulation and optimization of health pathways. VOH.CoLAB supports the collection of clinical and patient-reported outcomes, based on sensors and mobile technologies, and develops digital health literacy tools. VOH.CoLAB aims at validating innovative tools and objectively measuring health outcomes and costs towards the novel model for Value-Based Healthcare.

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