
Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria

Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria is a branch of Unione Nazionale Consumatori (UNC) and it is the first consumer association in Italy. Its foundation dates back to 1955. UNCU is independent from political parties and trade unions and is a social promotion association. Its exclusive purpose and main objective is the protection and representation of consumers, pursued through the proposal of new regulations, assistance, information, education and orientation activities aimed at citizens through its branches.

In Europen project management, we have always played the role of link between institutions, companies, research organisations, society and citizens.

We are not only concerned with the protection and safeguarding of citizens - consumers, but also play an active role in their education and information.

Our expertise allows us to deal independently with communication and dissemination of results, as well as participation in and organisation of events such as seminars, webinars, conferences, training days, networking activities and social events.

In our region, we collaborate with public authorities such as -Comune di Perugia- which is our main municipality, -Provincia di Perugia-which is our municipalities administration, -Regione Umbria-which is our region administration, -the Chamber of Commerce, -Industries, -Crafts and Agriculture, -Educational institutions, -various local municipalities Moreover, we have been organising numerous training conferences and activities for the territory.

It remains easy for us to reach people through institutions because at national level we are very active and known not only by local authorities, but also by citizens, who appreciate our work.

We have been involved in consumer research to understand what consumer behaviour is being adopted and why. We have used the results of this research to create websites, courses, observatories and reports.

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