
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen - DZNE)

DZNE scientists explore the similarities and differences of various brain diseases with the aim of developing new preventive and therapeutic approaches. Fundamental research at DZNE is closely linked to clinical research, population studies, health care research and systems medicine, to identify new diagnostic markers and to enable rapid development of new therapies. Only through close collaboration of multidisciplinary partners can an efficient development of new drugs, therapies or prevention options be realized. Therefore the translational approach to our research is key. The aim of translational research is a continuous dialog within all of our research areas. This includes not only an internal exchange but also with our partners from universities, research institutions, hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry. This will accelerate the conversion of results into application. True to the motto "from bench to bedside and back to the bench".

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