
European Science Engagement Association

The European Science Engagement Association, EUSEA, is an international community of public engagement professionals, science festival and science event organizers. The association comprises about 110 members, including universities and scientific institutions, science festival organisations, science centres and museums, municipalities and NGO‘s. The network has developed from a knowledge-sharing platform for European science festivals to a collaborative community of public engagement professionals, developing and testing new formats of science communication, building relationships with researchers, policy-makers and stakeholders from scientific institutions, higher education institutions, municipalities and regions.EUSEA members can provide experience and knowledge to conduct complex co-creative public engagement and science communication strategies addressing a wide range of target groups. Over the past 10 years, several EUSEA members have developed innovative forms of public engagement activities and formats, such as science parliaments, hackathons, innovation labs, science picnics, citizen science projects or researcher‘s nights.

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