
Women Engage for a Common Future

Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation and member of an international network of over 150 women‘s, health and environmental organisations advancing women‘s rights and sustainable development in the areas of energy, climate, health as well as water and agriculture in over 50 countries. WECF operates with branches in Germany, NL, France, Switzerland and Georgia. By striving for a just and sustainable world, WECF‘s team has gained management, consulting and policy advocacy expertise - WECF designs, implements and monitors holistic solutions on the ground while influencing local, national, international and global policies. WECF participates in the negotiations of UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, UNEP, is co-founder and core member of the Women and Gender Constituency, is involved in climate and energy policy processes (EU Climate, EU Energy), works closely with CAN Europe and the EEB (European Environmental Bureau), CANEECCA (Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia) as well as with national and local non-governmental bodies and communities. While advocating ambitious and fair policies and effective gender mainstreaming, WECF‘s projects on the ground directly support the most vulnerable, particularly women.


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