

Stelar Security Technology Law Research UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is an organisation established in Hamburg (Germany) that aims to promote education and research through the implementation of scientific courses and research projects and the award of research contracts. In particular, the organisation is specialised in the “Privacy-by-Design” approach to new security technologies. STELAR was founded as a spin-off of an integrated project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF) within its Framework Programme Research for Civil Security. STELAR’S main researcher presented a first draft of a Privacy-by-Design method to the EC on the occasion of its draft GDPR that sets up a technical committee on Privacy by Design (Article 23 paragraph 4 of COM(2012)11 final). The efforts of legal scholars to incorporate the law into technology and the lack of development of Privacy by Design in the EC’s policymaking led the researcher to create his own SME. STELAR has extensive expertise in legislation, GDPR, data protection, privacy and fundamental rights management in European innovation projects and research projects on ICT and digital transformation (leadership in H2020 OPERANDO (DS-01-2014 ‘Privacy’), H2020 SHiELD (DS-03-2016), FP7 eWALL (ICT-2013.5.1)) as well as the experience of its main researcher with the European consumer organisation for technical standardisation (ANEC) and the European Standardization Organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI and the International Standardization Organization ISO concerning security, data protection, privacy and eHealth standardisation.


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