
Bar-Ilan University

Bar-Ilan University is the fastest-growing institution of higher education in Israel located at an award-winning campus just outside Tel Aviv and comprising six regional colleges across Israel. This is one of the largest universities in the country with over 20000 thousand students, 1700 faculty staff, 130,000 alumni, 37 schools & departments, 16 inter-disciplinary programs providing 8,000 academic courses, 29 libraries, 50 research centers CSI-COP 73 & institutes, 90 international academic & research cooperation agreements, 230 active research grants and the largest in-service teacher training program in Israel. The sterling academic experience provided by Bar-Ilan University is what one would expect from any worldclass institution, in Israel or elsewhere: to impart knowledge to our students, and provide them with the critical ability and tools to analyze that knowledge, to study academic subjects with rigor and discipline, and apply their findings and understandings to contemporary realities. The University is comprised of students from all over Israel; secular and religious; Jews and non-Jews; Israeliborn and new immigrants. Included within the BIU family, as well, are a multi-faceted academic faculty and administrative staff. Their confluence represents a mosaic of the State of Israel, providing a unique atmosphere for open exchange of ideas and embracement of the "other". Diversity is a key on the BIU campus, and tolerance and civility our operating code. Bar-Ilan's Gender studies institute investigates girls' participation in science education and excellence programs at high schools, and women involvement in high education and academic career at various levels. The program examines existing gender definitions from a critical interdisciplinary perspective, combining approaches from the fields of humanities, social sciences, Jewish studies, life sciences and law.


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