Research Study on Crowdsourcing | Invite to Participate ¶
By: Federica on Oct. 14, 2022, 5:38 p.m.
My name is Federica Papiccio, Interdisciplinary PhD Candidate from the Schools of Art History and Computer Science at the University of St Andrews. I am seeking volunteers for a research study titled 'Participation in Collections Management: Crowdsourcing's Potential to Enhance Metadata and Democratise Access to Heritage Objects'. The aim is to explore the uses of crowdsourcing in cultural heritage institutions and investigate how citizen science approaches can inform the design of cultural heritage crowdsourcing projects. I am looking for crowd workers that have been involved either in online or offline crowdsourcing projects within and beyond the heritage sector, who are willing to take part in an online interview and provide information about their volunteering experience.
Your participation involves a one-to-one online interview with the researcher (myself), which will last approximately 35 minutes. The study is completely anonymous and, therefore, it does not require you to provide your name or any other identifying information, and your responses will be kept strictly confidential.
Your participation in this research will be of great importance in assessing the potential of participatory initiatives in the cultural heritage sphere.
If you are able to participate, please get in touch with by Friday the 18th of November. You will then be provided with a Participant Consent Form that further details my research, have the opportunity to ask questions and receive an invitation to join me for an online research interview on a secure online platform (preferably MS Teams).
Thank you very much for your time and participation.
Federica Papiccio
Interdisciplinary PhD Candidate in Museum and Gallery Studies and Computer Science
+44 794 710 2652