Save the date! 2023 starts with an Open Call for citizen science initiatives!
Andrea Troncoso Troncoso Quilaqueo
Dec. 20, 2022, 12:10 p.m.
Next 10 January at 12:00 noon CET the IMPETUS project will launch its 1st Open Call.
IMPETUS will look for citizen science initiatives to provide them with financial, mentoring and training support. A kickstarting grant will give 20K to new projects and a sustaining grant of 10K to ongoing ones! IMPETUS will also look for outstanding citizen science projects and give them recognition through the European Prize for Citizen Science: three prizes plus honorary mentions. One Grand Prize of €60K, a Diversity and Collaboration Award of €20K and a Digital Communities Award of €20K!
Find all the forms, FAQ and relevant information on the IMPETUS website: www.impetus4cs.eu/opencall on 10 January 2023, 12:00 noon CET!
Spread the word among your communities and networks!
Andrea Troncoso, IMPETUS Communications Officer