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Four ACTION pilots successfully graduated: congratulations!

Antonella Passani
Nov. 2, 2020, 12:33 p.m.

Some days ago, four ACTION pilots funded by the 1st open call successfully passed the internal final review and graduated. In the last six months the ACTION team accompanied them in an accelerator programme providing access to  regular exchanges, training and mentoring activities.

It has been a very interesting process for the ACTION team as well as for the pilots, as one of them highlighted:

As our first citizen science project, we couldn’t be happier with the professional, precise and open support and constructive discussions we had throughout the accelerator with our fantastic mentoring team, and how that translated into a stronger project”.

We congratulate CitiComPlastic, In My Backyard, Sonic Kayaks and Noise Maps  that reached important results showing also a great capability to adapt to the Covid-19 situation and its restrictions.

These pilots addressed different pollution-related issues, respectively: waste management of bioplastic, use of harmful fertilizers and pesticides in home gardening and farming, water pollution and noise pollution. The pilots had a local nature, engaging local communities in the Oslo area, in the Esposende region of Portugal, in south-West England and in two neighbourhoods of Barcelona: Sagrada Familia and the Raval.

All of them were successful in proving the validity of their scientific and engagement process and reached important results in terms of scientific knowledge generation, technical development of effective sensors, awareness raising and community empowerment. More on their results here:

We congratulate these pilots for their achievements, we follow the progress of ongoing ones and we are looking forward to the ones that will be financed by the second open call: four new pilots that will join the ACTION community in the first months of  2021 and enrich our vision on CS and its potentialities.

Picture: Clara Roberti, In My Backyard

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