Welcome to the alpha release of the EU-Citizen.Science platform!
Margaret Gold
April 3, 2020, 1:27 p.m.
The world is a very different place at the moment, with many of us in self-isolation at home. We hope that you and all of your loved ones are healthy and in a safe place. If anything, this global pandemic highlights the importance of sharing knowledge and resources, and the value of everyone chipping in to help.
Where possible, we have highlighted citizen science projects that are directly targeting COVID-19 research, projects that can be done from home, and various places where conversations and collaborations are taking place. We hope that you will have more to add!
We are really pleased to be announcing the launch of the alpha version of the EU- Citizen.Science platform. (See Wikipedia for more what an alpha release is). Our ambitious goal is to become the place to share useful resources about planning and running citizen science initiatives, including tools and guidelines, best practices and training modules. We hope to make practical citizen science project guidance findable and accessible to all, and enable people to initiate their own activities wherever they are. We also aim to also enable anyone involved with or interested in citizen science to connect with others to learn more, share experiences and start new collaborations.
In this first release you will find a citizen science Projects section and a citizen science Resources section, where you can find a starter set that has been gathered by the partners and third parties in the EU-Citizen.Science consortium. This marks the start of our content gathering phase over the course of the summer.
Future releases of the platform will add training modules, a community forum, and other necessary features. Have some suggestions for us? Drop us a note at eucitsci@mfn.berlin
Help us gather resources and profile projects
We now turn to you, the community of citizen science practitioners to help us to continue to gather and share good quality tools, guidelines and materials.
Are you running a citizen science initiative, researching the use of citizen science approaches, introducing citizen science projects in an educational context, or supporting initiatives in your community? We would love for you to share your best practice tools, resources and guidelines with the community, and profile the projects that you are working on so that others can learn from them and connect with you for collaborations.
To create a profile for a new resource or citizen science project, you’ll first need to Sign Up to join the community and Log In, then simply look for the Add+ button under the search bar on the Projects page or the Resources page.
We look forward to reading what you share!
The EU-Citizen.Science team