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Stakeholders, Network and Community Mapping Report

March 31, 2020, 1:37 p.m.

A key ingredient for ensuring a successful project is of course to first understand who your stakeholders are, who is supportive and influential in your sucess, and what their needs are. Our first deliverable within the second work package – which is where we build the EU-Citizen.Science platform – has thus been to undergo a Stakeholder Mapping exercise.

We are pleased to share the deliverable report itself with you, on our open project repository on Zenodo, along with all of our other public deliverables:

It is really important to note that we strive to be collaborative and open throughout our work on this project, and therefore we very much welcome your feedback and input towards our ‘living document’ Stakeholder Register, which we will maintain and update throughout the project.

Our main objectives with this report have been to:

  • Deepen our understanding of the full range of stakeholders in citizen science,
  • Identify the key stakeholders for the success of the EU-Citizen.Science platform, as users, contributors, and/or supporters,
  • Expand our working definition of the relevant stakeholder categories and the relationship they are likely to have to the Platform
  • Form the foundation for other core tasks and activities within the EU-Citizen.Science project across a range of Work Packages.

The primary stakeholder groups that we have identified, analysed and mapped are:: Academia, The Public, NGOs & CSOs, Industry & SMEs, The Press & Media, Educators, and Policy Makers & Funders.

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