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Multi-level platform engagement & community-building plan

March 31, 2020, 2:01 p.m.

Engagement and community-building are central to EU-Citizen.Science’s core mission: to bring together people interested (or potentially interested) in citizen science, while providing a common understanding of the field.

A key early task was to identify our key target audiences – and propose strategies to engage with them. After mapping our target audiences, Deliverable 2.2 provides a detailed set of proposals for building a community who will use and populate EU-Citizen.Science, both during the project period (2019-21) and beyond.

This plan outlines our understanding of the needs and expectations of the target audiences selected as a starting point for community engagement, as well as suggestions about how we will meet these expectations and stimulate community engagement.

Furthermore, this plan:

  • outlines how our understanding of their needs and expectations was achieved using semi-structured interviews
  • suggests concrete actions to keep our key community engaged during the preparatory phase and launch of the platform
  • identifies future steps that will ensure this plan is iterative and evolves throughout the project.

The plan will form the basis for subsequent requirements-gathering activities, which will culminate in Deliverable 2.3 ‘Platform functionality requirements and specifications report’. As with all public deliverables from the project, you can download it from our project archive on Zenodo.

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