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EU-Citizen.Science needs your input on citizen science training needs

March 31, 2020, noon

We are currently building a global citizen science platform to share knowledge and best practice that will also feature custom-made training modules that address the needs of the community.

To do so, we need your help with compiling existing citizen science training resources for ‘how to do citizen science’ as well as general tools, guidelines and materials. In addition, we would like to know what new citizen science training resources are needed and which audiences should be targeted. 

Can you spare 5 minutes and help us out by answering our survey?

All survey responses are anonymous and will be used to build the platform and create new training modules. As we are looking for global resources, language does not matter so you can fill it in wherever you are from. 

Please fill out our survey here:

If you are interested in contributing in other ways, and following the progress of our project, you can subscribe to our joint newsletter on citizen science.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire!

This survey was created by the UCL team: Muki Haklay, Christian Nold, and Alice Sheppard

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