EU-Citizen.Science and Citizen Science Cost Action CA15212 joint workshop: Co-creating the EU platform for citizen science
March 31, 2020, 11:55 a.m.
On 10-11 April, the European Citizen Science Association – ECSA, (leading the creation of the European platform for citizen science) and Museum für Naturkunde – MfN, (the coordinator of the EU-Citizen.Science project) organised a 24 hour long workshop in Brussels to imagine the European citizen science platform of the future that our project aims to build within the next 3 years.
Held at Stickydot – an open community space for science engagement professionals – the “COST Action WG4 and EU-Citizen.Science workshop: Co-creating the European Citizen Science platform of the future” counted on the expertise of various stakeholders coming from across Europe. It brought together 19 citizen science specialists from 12 countries. This joint workshop enabled them to exchange and brainstorm on their needs and expectations of the EU-Citizen.Science platform.
Over this two-day event, participants were notably asked to reflect on the status of citizen science in their own country to put forward people’s needs with regards to their use of the platform.
The feedback collected from attendees is essential to ensure that the platform will have all the main features that future users will want to have access to.
The aim of this workshop was therefore to make sure our project brings every person interested in citizen science in Europe (from scientists and citizen scientists to teachers, students, journalists, entrepreneurs, and the general public) to this platform dedicated to the field.
A full report on this COST-EU-Citizen.Science workshop is available here.
Other workshops will be organised in the coming weeks by ECSA to further collect people’s feedback. A survey will also be available soon on our website. It will enable you to take part in the creation of the EU-Citizen.Science platform too.
So stay tuned and visit our website to contribute to the co-creation of the EU-Citizen.Science platform!