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EU-Citizen.Science was officially kicked-off!

March 30, 2020, 3:53 p.m.

On 20-21 February, the project partners of EU-Citizen.Science met at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin for the project’s kick-off meeting. Hosted by the coordinator of the project, this meeting brought together all the key actors of EU-Citizen.Science in order to discuss the development of this new Horizon2020 project and the creation of the Platform for Sharing, Initiating, and Learning Citizen Science in Europe — which ambition is to become the European reference point for citizen science through cross-network knowledge sharing for citizen science participants, practitioners, researchers, policy makers and society across Europe. In order to achieve this, EU-Citizen.Science will follow five main objectives:

Objective 1: ESTABLISH EU-Citizen.Science as the community hub for high-quality citizen science exchange and learning in Europe;

Objective 2: CONSOLIDATE the citizen science knowledge base and celebrate outstanding practices and state of the art in citizen science in Europe;

Objective 3: EMPOWER diverse stakeholders to become citizen scientists, start citizen science initiatives, and adopt citizen science approaches professionally;

Objective 4: EXPLORE new pathways for participatory governance, by strengthening links between citizen science and policy making;

Objective 5: ADVANCE citizen science into the mainstream of public engagement, science communication and education.

Throughout the three years of the project’s life, the EU-Citizen.Science platform will centralise valuable resources taken from citizen science initiatives across Europe and will help interactively engage diverse actors and stakeholders in the project activities at local, national and EU level.

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